Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Calling all the animators out there!


Are you an experienced animator? Or someone who aspires to be one?

SBF NEEDS you! SBF is setting up an email campaign to raise awareness and promote the SBF movement and a supporter has come up with a fantastic idea about creating a little animated game - something where an MP  or Caroline Spelman (perhaps?) tries to sell the forests by taking money meanwhile, the player clicks on various woodland creatures that charge, peck, sting etc on him/her? What do you think? Can you help? 


1) Open to everyone regardless of age, background and experience
2) Please do not be rude :)

Terms and conditions:

1) SBF isn't a business/charity- just trying to save the forests so I am afraid there are no financial rewards for this. But I am happy to publicise your name/company etc

Please send in your work by 28th of February- sooner the better though :)! Any questions? Just drop May an email on savebritainsforests@gmail.com 


Animation work can take a lot of time so if you have any other suggestions or ideas for some art work to create a colourful email please get in touch with me! Thank you! May

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There are rich pickings to be had pointing artists to the wikipedia svg download of the Tory Tree logo.. hours of fun creating save the forest propaganda images at Spelman's expense

eg at


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